As you all know, Water is the basic building block, and you need to be proactive about keeping hydrated. Mayo Clinic found that daily consumption of water for an average human is about three liters. But hydration is not the only benefit that experience by drinking a lot - your overall health will also improve.
1) Water helps in tolerance to Pain
Rejecting the water in your daily diet can lead to obvious conditions, such as fatigue.According to a study, swallowing the liquid drink can actually help keep your pain tolerance. For the study, 17 healthy male participants were subjected to 2 tests: one who regularly consume the clear liquid, and the second, which requires aside drink for 24 hours. After each test, the researchers dipped the feet of participants' in ice water (0-3 degrees) for a maximum of 4 minutes. The findings were that when men were in "a state of dehydration," his inclination to break away from his toes was much larger. In other words, their perception and sensitivity to pain was significantly higher when deprived of water.
2) Water helps in maintaining normal body function
Research has shown that water speeds up your metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and generally using everything in your body is working. Since adult male is usually 60 percent water, it all makes sense. You need water to digest food, blood circulation, keep dry mouth and do a number of other things that we often take for granted. Do not wait until you are thirsty - be proactive about it.
3) Water can make you feel better in your daily life
Earlier this year, scientists at Maastricht University in the Netherlands found that patients with headaches and migraines had a better quality of life by drinking about seven glasses of water a day. Drink and stay healthy!
4) Water increases your energy level
In general, dehydration leads to fatigue, which slowly eats away at your bodily functions you need for the day. The more water you drink, the more you will feel awake and alert. Furthermore, opting for drinking water with a high pH as glacial as Icelandic helps the body detoxify and balance the acidity levels - resulting in better disease prevention and disease.
5) Water is almost the healthiest drink
Many popular drinks out there options have no nutritional benefits. Soda is mainly liquefied sugar, juice and many are surprisingly in the same boat. Sports drinks are really only a good option when you're in the midst of intense activity and alcoholic beverages should be enjoyed in self-control. Mostly, if you buy a drink, water is your best choice.