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Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
8 Ways To Drink More Water Every Day

8 Ways To Drink More Water Every Day

Ways To Drink More Water

Add Best Flavor To Your Pitcher:

Rattle several glasses of water a day may seem like torture when each cup is tasteless. Add a little excitement by dipping fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs sliced ​​your jar.

Glass After Every Bath:

Start a habit by binding water with some of their most common daily activities. Going to bathroom? Go through the kitchen to blow a glass of water after leaving the bathroom. Whenever the water source is over, fill a cup.

Sip Before Each Meal:

When the waiter comes and asks drink orders, always ask for water. Drink a cup before each meal can reduce calorie intake, because it makes you feel full.

Use An App to track Your Drink.

Keeping up with the number of ships that can be easily done with the help of a free app. Free discharge of water a day or set your phone to daily reminders.

Dilute Sugar Drinks With Water:

If juice consumption, lemonade or iced tea is a daily habit, the water in their Hydrogen-dioxide sips and a healthy serving of ice. You will always have the sweetness you crave a healthy dose of water your body needs.

Keep A Gallon Nearby:

It's easy to remember to fill with water when the source is nearby. Keep a pitcher or large gallon on your desk next to the bed, and in kitchen counter as a constant reminder.

Eat Water Rich Fruits:

A sneaky way to increase the amount of water consumed on a daily basis: eat your Hydrogen dioxide. Add fruits and vegetables with high water content to your shopping list. Some top choices include cucumber, zucchini, watermelon and grapefruit.

Use Water Bottle With Proper Marking:

A bottle is marked by ounces or even hours can help you achieve your personal goal of water each day. In addition, you will know exactly how many times you need to recharge. Try the water intake of the bottle Tracker.
Health Benefits Of Oats

Health Benefits Of Oats

1 - Oats for weight loss

Studies have shown that starting the day with a rich nutritious meals fiber such as oats can help maintain a healthy weight. Oats are the highest satiety all meals breakfast value, giving a feeling of fullness for longer.

2 - Oats for Cholesterol

The researchers identified a substance named in the oat beta-glucan, which significantly reduces the LDL cholesterol. people with high cholesterol levels, consumption of three grams of oat fiber reduces total cholesterol daily generally from 8 to 23 percent.

3 - Oats blood pressure

People who have high blood pressure and oats added to their diet had a significant reduction in blood pressure and the need for anti hypertensive medicine.

4 - Oats for diabetes

A number of studies show that people who consume all top grain had 28-61% lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared to those with the lowest intake of whole grains. A study of people with type 2 diabetes who ate foods high in oat fiber have a lower rise in blood glucose compared to others who eat bread or rice.

Nutrients in oats

  • Excellent source of phosphorus,
  • Selenium
  • Manganese
  • Good source of soluble dietary fiber,vitamin B1, iron and magnesium.
10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

If you take the seeds when you carve your pumpkin next, you may want to reconsider, especially after trying the freshly roasted seeds. But they do not just have great taste, these seeds also support great health.

Here's How:

  • Pumpkin seeds are High in the sleep-enhancing amino acid tryptophan that helps ensure a good night’s sleep. 
  • High in the heart-healing mineral magnesium. 
  • They’re high levels of easily-digestible protein helps stabilize blood sugar when eaten as a snack throughout the day. 
  • High in Omega 3s, pumpkin seed oil has been shown in studies to reduce the incidence of benign pro static hypertrophy.
  • High in the prostate-protecting mineral zinc.
  • Good source of blood-building and energy-boosting iron.
  • Punkin seeds are Anti-inflammatory.
  • Lower cholesterol levels. pumpkin seeds have the second highest amount of sterols, Of nuts and seeds (next to sunflower seeds and pistachios which tied for first).
  • Excellent source of fiber which helps keep you regular.
  • They are alkalizing to the body’s pH.
Things that kill your Erection

Things that kill your Erection

The erection is a complex business body. With high testosterone levels, your immune system and blood vessels work in sync to give you a satisfying sexual experience; good erection can really be a daunting task for some men. Factors such as obesity and smoking can take the initiative in your pencil.

Read  the factors that wreck your erection:

  • ATM receipt, purchase invoicesThis can be a shock, but your ATM receipt, purchase invoices can impede your erections. These revenues are high levels of bisphenol A (BPA), which can spike female hormones in your body. This chemical affects the hardness of erection.
  • A study by Irish and U.S. researchers found that insulin released after eating desserts hinder the production of testosterone in men, affect erection.
  • Sleep less than five hours cannot only leave you dazed and tired, but also affect in weaker erections. Sleep is essential for the production of testosterone.
  • Diet of heavy soybean can mess up your erections.
  • Lack of Vitamin D: vitamin D plays an important role in the production of testosterone. you need to be in the sun with your arms and bare legs for 15 to 20 minutes in order to avoid weaker erection.
  • Running 40 + miles May come as a surprise, but running 40 + miles a day can drop your testosterone levels by 17% revealed a study by the University of British Columbia. Excessive operating hinders communication between the brain and hormone producing glands thereby abandon the production of testosterone.
What to do, if you're going Bald

What to do, if you're going Bald


One way to reduce your risk: Destroy dandruff. The effort of your body to fight against yeast flakes causing can accelerate hair loss,  Let dandruff shampoos lead this battle. For best results, the key is to run three different shampoos; the variety will ensure that the yeast does not develop resistance.


Start Rogaine,  Rogaine is a topical treatment that has few side effects, while Propecia affects the production of testosterone and has been linked, in rare cases, depression, ED and decreased libido. The trick is to use Rogaine diligence. Apply it carefully on your scalp twice a day.


A buzz haircut can reduce the visual impact of baldness. Or you can shave the dome, as Head Blade razor inventor Todd Greene did. Here are his views:
"I felt embarrassed when I started losing my hair in the 90s. This was when baldness was still many negative stereotypes.  people thought I was more athletic, they thought I was working on. plus there is something powerful about a shaved head, there is nothing "pretty boy" about it .
"I do not care for the term" bald ". it is passive. Balding is something that happens to you. Shaving is something that you take in your own hands. You're a victim of circumstances. "

Banana Nutrition

Banana is one of the most consumed Fruit in the world. Some scientists believe that the banana may have even been the first fruit of the planet.
Today, banana is grown in at least 107 countries and is ranked fourth food crop in the world in monetary value.
Possible banana nutrition include the mitigation of risks of cancer and asthma, decreased blood pressure, improved heart health and promote regularity.

Banana Nutrition: 

These are the following banana nutrition.
  • Vitamin B6 - .5 mg
  • Manganese - .3 mg
  • Vitamin C - 9 mg
  • Potassium - 450 mg
  • Dietary Fiber - 3g
  • Protein - 1 g
  • Magnesium - 34 mg
  • Folate - 25.0 mcg
  • Riboflavin - .1 mg
  • Niacin - .8 mg
  • Vitamin A - 81 IU
  • Iron - .3 mg 

Possible health benefits of banana:

Blood pressure:

maintaining a low sodium intake is essential to lower blood pressure, but increased intake of potassium can be just as important due to its vasodilating effects.


The Imperial College London in a study found that children who consume banana nutrition a day were 34% less likely to develop asthma.


Banana nutrition reduce the risk of developing childhood leukemia. vitamin C in bananas can help fight against the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. High fiber intake of fruits and vegetables such as bananas are associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer.

Heart Health:

fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content in bananas all heart health support. Increased potassium intake with reduced sodium intake is the dietary change most important a person can do to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.


Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume high fiber diets have lower blood sugar levels and type 2 diabetes could improve blood glucose, lipids and insulin levels. Banana nutrition in a medium banana provides approximately 3 grams of fiber.

Treatment of diarrhea:

Banana nutrition also are recommended for the treatment of diarrhea. Electrolytes like potassium are lost in large quantities during episodes of diarrhea and can concerned individuals do feel weak. Banana nutrition can help promote regularity and replenish potassium.

Preservation of memory and boost mood:

Tryptophan an amino acid included in banana is the good banana nutrition which helps preserving memory and boost your mood.
Health Benefits of Watermelon

Health Benefits of Watermelon

Despite popular belief that watermelon is composed of only water and sugar, watermelon is actually considered a nutrient rich food, a food that provides a large amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a small amount of calories.

The major benefits can be gained from this lovely fruit are given below:

  • Antioxidant properties
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Rich source of vitamin C
  • Free radical scavenger
  • Anti-estrogen effects
  • Helps with hydration
  • Helps with blood pressure
  • Aids in digestion
  • Helpful with constipation
  • Natural remedy for treating tapeworms
  • Beneficial for diabetes
  • Good source of vitamin B

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

The pomegranate is one of the most popular fruits, rich in nutrients with different flavor, mouth watering taste and health promoting characteristics

The major benefits can be gained from this lovely fruit are given below:

  1. Keeps blood platelets from sticking together
  2. Increases oxygen levels to heart
  3. Anti-inflammatory
  4. May help combat erectile dysfunction
  5. Helps to lower blood pressure 
  6. Inhibit breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer & leukemic.
  7. Helps with depression
  8. Powerful, nutrition dense food
  9. High in anti-oxidants
  10. Potent immune supporter
  11. Enhances oral health

Health Benefits of Mangoes

Health Benefits of Mangoes

1. Prevents Cancer:
Research has shown in mangoes antioxidants have been found to protect against cancers. These compounds include Quentin, isoperimetrical, astragalin, fishnet, Gallic acid and methylated and abundant enzymes.

2. Lowers cholesterol:
High levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C helps to lower serum cholesterol levels, particularly low density lipoprotein (bad things)

3. Clears the skin:
Can be used internally and externally to the skin once. Mangoes clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples.

4. Eye Health:
A cup of sliced ​​mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good vision and prevents night blindness and dry eyes.

5. Alkaline entire body:
The malic acid, tartaric acid and a trace of citric acid in the fruit helps to maintain the alkali reserve of the body.

6. Help in diabetes:
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood. The traditional home remedy is to boil leaves in water, soak overnight, then use filtered decoction in the morning. Mango fruits also have a relatively low glycemic index (41-60) moderate amounts so will not spike your blood sugar.

7. Improving Gender:
Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin E. Although the popular connection between libido and vitamin E was originally created by an erroneous generalization on rat studies, other research has shown appropriate quantities balanced (such as food together) does help in this area.

8. Improves digestion:
Papayas are not the only fruit that contains enzymes to break down proteins. There are many fruits, including mangoes, which have the healthy quality. The fiber in mangoes also helps digestion and elimination.

9. Solution for Heat Stroke:
Extract the juice of the fruits of green mango and mixed with water and a sweetener helps to cool the body and prevent damage to the body. Ayurveda point of view, the reason people are often diuretic and exhausted at the equatorial climates visit because the strong "solar energy" burns your body, especially the muscles. Kidneys then become overloaded with toxins from this process.

10. Stimulates the immune system:
huge amount of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangoes, more than 25 different types of carotids keep your immune system strong and healthy.
Which Hair Oil is Best for Hair Growth?

Which Hair Oil is Best for Hair Growth?

The market is full of different oils so it is very difficult to answer that which hair oil is the best for you? due to the large number of options, the buyer is confused about what to buy. It is very important that we select oil as hair texture and it is complicated to find the right oil for your hair.
However, you do not need to worry, we will suggest you the best hair oil depending on the nature of your hair.

Our tips will certainly help you have shiny and thick hair.

  • For dry hair, olive oil is the best oil that acts as a conditioner and moisturize your hair to give shine. You can also mix the olive oil, castor oil and almond oil, massage with these oils for 20-30 minutes three times a week and wash your hair after the massage. This oil blend will give you the best results.
  • If your hair is greasy then the best advice is to mix lemon juice and Aamla. Apply this mixture twice a week on the roots of your hair to remove extra oil and nourish your hair. Oil house is always best for oily hair. Chemical base oils that are available on the market make your weak, dull and stop hair growth hair.
  • For brittle and dull hair, use coconut oil. Put the coconut oil in the sunlight for 10 minutes, then massage your hair with this oil. Let your hair for 1 hour then wash and repeat twice a week process. You can also apply this oil daily for thick, healthy hair. The coconut oil may also be used with Aamla oil.
  • If your hair is rough and dry then you can make your hair shiny by using Aamla oil. Coconut oil is also better for dry and damaged hair.
  • To remove dandruff, coconut oil, almond oil and castor oil, massage blend for 20 minutes and then wash your hair after an hour with yogurt and lemon juice. The oil may be used daily, but the mixture of yogurt and lemon juice can not be used more than twice a week.
  • Most oils market are harmful to hair because of the chemicals that are added to increase the shelf life of these oils. So always use natural oils for the hair long and strong.
Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Health Benefits of Black Pepper

  • Black pepper speeds up our heart rate.
  • Black pepper can be used as a home remedy for poison. It may be a first aid for situations where a toxic
  • substance is accidentally swallowed. Black pepper induces vomiting which results in the removal of poisons from the alimentary canal on an immediate basis.
  • Very Effective for cold and flu.
  • Brain related diseases can also be relieved by the use of black pepper.
  • Black pepper stimulates hunger.
  • Contains several vitamin including vitamin B and vitamin E.
  • It contains iron.
  • Effective in curing urinary problems.
  • Muscle strength is achieved by using black pepper.
  • A sore throat can be treated if chewing black pepper.
  • Mouth odor can be reduced by using black pepper.
6 Tips to Gain Weight

6 Tips to Gain Weight

1) Eat five to six times a day.

2) Figure out how many more calories per day you need.

3) Increase the amount of time you spend on strength training.

4) Have an energy shake immediately after each workout.

5) Eat more protein.

    Some foods enriched with proteins:

    Boiled soybeans, Soy or whey protein powder, Peanuts or peanut butter, Steak or hamburger, Chicken, Tuna

6) Get 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night.